Cache Valley Strength & Conditioning

Established in 2008, CVSC is Cache Valley’s premier training facility with services ranging from personal training, program design, athletic team conditioning, HyperFit group classes and more.

Athlete Spotlight - Darlene Woolf

1. How did you find out about Crossfit? I first found out about Crossfit Cache Valley from a girl I worked with, I was in the Boot Camp program at the Sports Academy and was really getting frustrated with the price going up every few months!!  CFCV  is by far the best value for my exercise dollar that I have ever found.

2. What is your favorite Crossfit exercise or WOD?

I don’t know that I have a favorite WOD,   I really like Saturday workouts, they are a great chance to see the other crossfitters that are not in my morning class  and always make me work really hard.

3. How long have you been Crossfitting for?

I have been Crossfitting  for 3 years this coming October. I have never been able to stick with any program this long, finally found something that works easily into my lifestyle.

4. What do you do for a living?

I work for the USPS, and am currently a window clerk at the main office in Logan. I am literally standing  on my feet 8-9 hours a day, I’m the one clerk who doesn’t  mind the “heavy” packages. I volunteer for them all the time, Crossfit has taught me that they are good for me!

5. What are your hobbies?

After being a Grandma (best thing ever) and doing things with my family.  I really like to ride my bike, go hiking, read, craft. And of course Crossfit!

6. What are your goals?

Since starting Crossfit I have done a few triathlons (3) as well as different races around the valley.  I usually finish pretty much in the middle of the pack for my age. That was ok at first, but now I want to kick it up and finish closer to the top.  Just want to continue getting stronger and healthier.

7. Why do you Crossfit?

Crossfit fits so good into my schedule, I have had different work schedules and have been a regular in the 7:00 am, the Noon, and 4:00pm class.  I am doing things I never thought I could ever do. At 55, I’m healthier and happier than when I was in my 30′s and 40′s . Unlimited and flexible class schedules, fantastic personal trainers, and nutritional help and support, you don’t experience that at the other gyms.

8. Any advice for future CrossFitters?

 My advise for anyone contemplating Crossfit is, DO IT!  Anyone can do it, current fitness level really doesn’t matter. Give it at least 1 month and you will be hooked!!